Faculty Distinction 2019/20
Faculty Distinction 2019/20

Elena Aprile
Professor of Physics
Hamilton Lecture, Princeton University
Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture, Oxford University
Burbidge Visiting Professor at University of California, San Diego
Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Elena Aprile
Professor of Physics
Hamilton Lecture, Princeton University
Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture, Oxford University
Burbidge Visiting Professor at University of California, San Diego
Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Elena Aprile
Professor of Physics
Hamilton Lecture, Princeton University
Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture, Oxford University
Burbidge Visiting Professor at University of California, San Diego
Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Dmitri Basov
Higgins Professor of Physics; Chair, Department of Physics
Moore investigator in Quantum Materials 2020
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Dmitri Basov
Higgins Professor of Physics; Chair, Department of Physics
Moore investigator in Quantum Materials 2020
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Dmitri Basov
Higgins Professor of Physics; Chair, Department of Physics
Moore investigator in Quantum Materials 2020
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Lam Hui
Professor of Physics
Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics

Lam Hui
Professor of Physics
Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics

Lam Hui
Professor of Physics
Simons Fellowship in Theoretical Physics

Brian Metzger
Associate Professor of Physics
Simons Fellow in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Salpeter Honorary Lecturer, Cornell University
Simons Foundation Lecture
Blavatnik Award

Brian Metzger
Associate Professor of Physics
Simons Fellow in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Salpeter Honorary Lecturer, Cornell University
Simons Foundation Lecture
Blavatnik Award

Brian Metzger
Associate Professor of Physics
Simons Fellow in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Salpeter Honorary Lecturer, Cornell University
Simons Foundation Lecture
Blavatnik Award

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Whitfield Lecture, Penn State University
Director, Max Planck New York City Center for Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Whitfield Lecture, Penn State University
Director, Max Planck New York City Center for Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Whitfield Lecture, Penn State University
Director, Max Planck New York City Center for Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena
Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Rachel Rosen
Associate Professor of Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Fellowship

Rachel Rosen
Associate Professor of Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Fellowship

Rachel Rosen
Associate Professor of Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Fellowship
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at Sy3109@columbia.edu