School of Professional Studies

Faculty Distinction 2022/23

Shelley Saltzman

Senior Lecturer in English as a Second Language in the American Language Program in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Co-Recipient, Team Impact Award, School of Professional Studies

Shelley Saltzman

Senior Lecturer in English as a Second Language in the American Language Program in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Co-Recipient, Team Impact Award, School of Professional Studies

Shelley Saltzman
Senior Lecturer in English as a Second Language in the American Language Program in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Co-Recipient, Team Impact Award, School of Professional Studies

Danielle Spencer

Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Narrative Medicine in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Alfred P. Sloan Desk for Science and Technology Writing, The Writers Room, NYC

Yaddo Curtis Harnack Residency

Danielle Spencer

Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Narrative Medicine in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Alfred P. Sloan Desk for Science and Technology Writing, The Writers Room, NYC

Yaddo Curtis Harnack Residency

Danielle Spencer
Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Narrative Medicine in the Faculty of Professional Studies

Alfred P. Sloan Desk for Science and Technology Writing, The Writers Room, NYC

Yaddo Curtis Harnack Residency

Aaron Wallen

Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Capital Management

Dean’s Applied Research Award, School of Professional Studies

Aaron Wallen

Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Capital Management

Dean’s Applied Research Award, School of Professional Studies

Aaron Wallen
Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Capital Management

Dean’s Applied Research Award, School of Professional Studies

The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.

Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at