
Faculty Distinction 2019/20

George Chauncey

De Witt Clinton Professor of American History

Life Jacket Achievement Award

George Chauncey

De Witt Clinton Professor of American History

Life Jacket Achievement Award

George Chauncey
De Witt Clinton Professor of American History

Life Jacket Achievement Award

Hannah Farber

Assistant Professor of History

John M. Murrin Prize, Early American Studies

Hannah Farber

Assistant Professor of History

John M. Murrin Prize, Early American Studies

Hannah Farber
Assistant Professor of History

John M. Murrin Prize, Early American Studies

Eric Foner

Dewitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History

Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science

Lifetime Achievement Award, Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Eric Foner

Dewitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History

Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science

Lifetime Achievement Award, Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Eric Foner
Dewitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History

Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science

Lifetime Achievement Award, Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards

Timothy Frye

Marshall D. Shulman Professor of Post-Soviet Foreign Policy

Renewal of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Timothy Frye

Marshall D. Shulman Professor of Post-Soviet Foreign Policy

Renewal of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Timothy Frye
Marshall D. Shulman Professor of Post-Soviet Foreign Policy

Renewal of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Karl Jacoby

Allan Nevins Professor of American History; Co-Director, Center for this Study of Race and Ethnicity

Andrew Norman Lecture, Colorado College

Karl Jacoby

Allan Nevins Professor of American History; Co-Director, Center for this Study of Race and Ethnicity

Andrew Norman Lecture, Colorado College

Karl Jacoby
Allan Nevins Professor of American History; Co-Director, Center for this Study of Race and Ethnicity

Andrew Norman Lecture, Colorado College

Rebecca Kobrin

Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History

Israel Institute Award

Joseph Engel Visiting Professorship, Harvard University

Rebecca Kobrin

Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History

Israel Institute Award

Joseph Engel Visiting Professorship, Harvard University

Rebecca Kobrin
Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History

Israel Institute Award

Joseph Engel Visiting Professorship, Harvard University

Adam Kosto

Professor of History; Chair Department of History

Elected Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America

Adam Kosto

Professor of History; Chair Department of History

Elected Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America

Adam Kosto
Professor of History; Chair Department of History

Elected Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America

Natasha Lightfoot

Associate Professor of History

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship

Endangered Archives Programme Grant, British Library

Natasha Lightfoot

Associate Professor of History

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship

Endangered Archives Programme Grant, British Library

Natasha Lightfoot
Associate Professor of History

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship

Endangered Archives Programme Grant, British Library

Mae Ngai

Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History; Co-Director Center for Study of Race and Ethnicity

Lowell Humanities Lecture, Boston College

The Cheng Foundation Centennial Lecture in Chinese

American History and Culture, Huntington Library

Ryland Lecture, University of Richmond

Hugh Hawkins Lecture, Amherst College

Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar

Columbia Faculty Mentoring Award

Mae Ngai

Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History; Co-Director Center for Study of Race and Ethnicity

Lowell Humanities Lecture, Boston College

The Cheng Foundation Centennial Lecture in Chinese

American History and Culture, Huntington Library

Ryland Lecture, University of Richmond

Hugh Hawkins Lecture, Amherst College

Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar

Columbia Faculty Mentoring Award

Mae Ngai
Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History; Co-Director Center for Study of Race and Ethnicity

Lowell Humanities Lecture, Boston College

The Cheng Foundation Centennial Lecture in Chinese

American History and Culture, Huntington Library

Ryland Lecture, University of Richmond

Hugh Hawkins Lecture, Amherst College

Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar

Columbia Faculty Mentoring Award

Pablo Piccato

Professor of History

Appointed Corresponding Member, Academia Mexicana de la Historia

Pablo Piccato

Professor of History

Appointed Corresponding Member, Academia Mexicana de la Historia

Pablo Piccato
Professor of History

Appointed Corresponding Member, Academia Mexicana de la Historia

Sailakshmi Ramgopal

Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Career Development Award, Department of History, Columbia University

Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

Sailakshmi Ramgopal

Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Career Development Award, Department of History, Columbia University

Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

Sailakshmi Ramgopal
Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Career Development Award, Department of History, Columbia University

Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

A. Tunç Şen

Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

A. Tunç Şen

Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

A. Tunç Şen
Assistant Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Pamela Smith

Seth Low Professor of History

Belle Ribicoff Distinguished Lecture and Seminar, Vassar College

The Eugene S. Ferguson Award, Society for the History of Technology

Pamela Smith

Seth Low Professor of History

Belle Ribicoff Distinguished Lecture and Seminar, Vassar College

The Eugene S. Ferguson Award, Society for the History of Technology

Pamela Smith
Seth Low Professor of History

Belle Ribicoff Distinguished Lecture and Seminar, Vassar College

The Eugene S. Ferguson Award, Society for the History of Technology

Rhiannon Stephens

Associate Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

New Directions Fellow, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Rhiannon Stephens

Associate Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

New Directions Fellow, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Rhiannon Stephens
Associate Professor of History

Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

New Directions Fellow, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.

Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at Sy3109@columbia.edu