Faculty Distinction 2019/20
Faculty Distinction 2019/20

Lila Abu-Lughod
Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science
Residency, Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
New York University Liberal Studies Annual Global Lecture Ganguli Annual Lecture, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India
Inaugural Lecture in Anthropology, University of Kansas Leuven

Lila Abu-Lughod
Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science
Residency, Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
New York University Liberal Studies Annual Global Lecture Ganguli Annual Lecture, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India
Inaugural Lecture in Anthropology, University of Kansas Leuven

Lila Abu-Lughod
Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science
Residency, Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
New York University Liberal Studies Annual Global Lecture Ganguli Annual Lecture, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India
Inaugural Lecture in Anthropology, University of Kansas Leuven

Vanessa Agard-Jones
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

Vanessa Agard-Jones
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

Vanessa Agard-Jones
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Provost’s Grant for Faculty Who Contribute to the Diversity Goals of the University

Maria Jose De Abreu
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
FAPESP Fellowship Award- Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil

Maria Jose De Abreu
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
FAPESP Fellowship Award- Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil

Maria Jose De Abreu
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
FAPESP Fellowship Award- Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil

Claudio Lomnitz
Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City
Antonio Garcla Cubas Prize

Claudio Lomnitz
Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City
Antonio Garcla Cubas Prize

Claudio Lomnitz
Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City
Antonio Garcla Cubas Prize

Mahmood Mamdani
Herbert Lehman Professor of Government and Professor of Anthropology
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
Advisory Board Member, United Nations Democracy Fund, UNDEF

Mahmood Mamdani
Herbert Lehman Professor of Government and Professor of Anthropology
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
Advisory Board Member, United Nations Democracy Fund, UNDEF

Mahmood Mamdani
Herbert Lehman Professor of Government and Professor of Anthropology
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
Advisory Board Member, United Nations Democracy Fund, UNDEF

Rosalind Morris
Professor of Anthropology
Honorary Visiting Researcher, Witwatersrand Institute for Social and Economic Research

Rosalind Morris
Professor of Anthropology
Honorary Visiting Researcher, Witwatersrand Institute for Social and Economic Research

Rosalind Morris
Professor of Anthropology
Honorary Visiting Researcher, Witwatersrand Institute for Social and Economic Research

Elizabeth Povinelli
Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished International Visitor, Department of Geography, Durham University
Theorist-in-Residence, California Institute of the Arts International Film Festival Rotterdam, Frameworks Commission
Retrospective, Karrabing Film Collective, Arsenal-Berlin and MoMA-PS1

Elizabeth Povinelli
Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished International Visitor, Department of Geography, Durham University
Theorist-in-Residence, California Institute of the Arts International Film Festival Rotterdam, Frameworks Commission
Retrospective, Karrabing Film Collective, Arsenal-Berlin and MoMA-PS1

Elizabeth Povinelli
Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology
Distinguished International Visitor, Department of Geography, Durham University
Theorist-in-Residence, California Institute of the Arts International Film Festival Rotterdam, Frameworks Commission
Retrospective, Karrabing Film Collective, Arsenal-Berlin and MoMA-PS1

Audra Simpson
Professor of Anthropology
General Anthropology Division Distinguished Lecture

Audra Simpson
Professor of Anthropology
General Anthropology Division Distinguished Lecture

Audra Simpson
Professor of Anthropology
General Anthropology Division Distinguished Lecture

Michael Taussig
Class of 1933 Professor of Anthropology
Clifford Geertz Annual Memorial Lecture, Princeton University

Michael Taussig
Class of 1933 Professor of Anthropology
Clifford Geertz Annual Memorial Lecture, Princeton University

Michael Taussig
Class of 1933 Professor of Anthropology
Clifford Geertz Annual Memorial Lecture, Princeton University
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at Sy3109@columbia.edu