Faculty Distinction 2021/22

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Annual Neisser Lecture, Cornell University

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Annual Neisser Lecture, Cornell University

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Annual Neisser Lecture, Cornell University

Lila Davachi
Professor of Psychology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM Award

Lila Davachi
Professor of Psychology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM Award

Lila Davachi
Professor of Psychology
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM Award

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
College of Ed and Human Development Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Minnesota

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
College of Ed and Human Development Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Minnesota

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
College of Ed and Human Development Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Minnesota

Norma Graham
Centennial Professor of Psychology
Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Research, Vision Sciences Society

Norma Graham
Centennial Professor of Psychology
Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Research, Vision Sciences Society

Norma Graham
Centennial Professor of Psychology
Nakayama Medal for Excellence in Vision Research, Vision Sciences Society

Carl Hart
Ziff Professor of Psychology
Effective Presentation of Behavior Analysis in the Mass Media Award, The Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis

Carl Hart
Ziff Professor of Psychology
Effective Presentation of Behavior Analysis in the Mass Media Award, The Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis

Carl Hart
Ziff Professor of Psychology
Effective Presentation of Behavior Analysis in the Mass Media Award, The Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis

Larisa Heiphetz
Assistant Professor of Psychology
National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Larisa Heiphetz
Assistant Professor of Psychology
National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Larisa Heiphetz
Assistant Professor of Psychology
National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Edward Higgins
Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology and Professor of Business
Distinguished Contribution to Motivation Science, Society for the Science of Motivation

Edward Higgins
Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology and Professor of Business
Distinguished Contribution to Motivation Science, Society for the Science of Motivation

Edward Higgins
Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology and Professor of Business
Distinguished Contribution to Motivation Science, Society for the Science of Motivation

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research
Popular Science Magazine’s “The Brilliant 10”

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research
Popular Science Magazine’s “The Brilliant 10”

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research
Popular Science Magazine’s “The Brilliant 10”

Caroline Marvin
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM: Expanding Access, Training, and Support for Undergraduate Researchers Provost’s Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grant

Caroline Marvin
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM: Expanding Access, Training, and Support for Undergraduate Researchers Provost’s Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grant

Caroline Marvin
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
Cultivating Science Identity and Increasing Persistence in STEM: Expanding Access, Training, and Support for Undergraduate Researchers Provost’s Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grant

Kevin Ochsner
Professor of Psychology; Chair, Department of Psychology
Elected to the Society for Experimental Psychologists

Kevin Ochsner
Professor of Psychology; Chair, Department of Psychology
Elected to the Society for Experimental Psychologists

Kevin Ochsner
Professor of Psychology; Chair, Department of Psychology
Elected to the Society for Experimental Psychologists

Alfredo Spagna
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
The Social Life of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Brain: Mapping DEI Neuroscience Grant
Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Neuroscience Literatures: “Harnessing Data Science to Create a Unified Conceptualization of Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Research and the Popular Press” Grant

Alfredo Spagna
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
The Social Life of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Brain: Mapping DEI Neuroscience Grant
Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Neuroscience Literatures: “Harnessing Data Science to Create a Unified Conceptualization of Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Research and the Popular Press” Grant

Alfredo Spagna
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology
The Social Life of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Brain: Mapping DEI Neuroscience Grant
Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Neuroscience Literatures: “Harnessing Data Science to Create a Unified Conceptualization of Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Research and the Popular Press” Grant
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at