Faculty Distinction 2022/23

Robert Gooding-Williams
M. Moran Weston/Black Alumni Council Professor of African American Studies, and Professor of Philosophy and of African American and African Diaspora Studies
Wilbur Cross Medal, Yale University
Leonard Hastings Schoff Memorial Lectures, Columbia
James A. Moffett ‘29 Lecture in Ethics, Princeton University

Robert Gooding-Williams
M. Moran Weston/Black Alumni Council Professor of African American Studies, and Professor of Philosophy and of African American and African Diaspora Studies
Wilbur Cross Medal, Yale University
Leonard Hastings Schoff Memorial Lectures, Columbia
James A. Moffett ‘29 Lecture in Ethics, Princeton University

Robert Gooding-Williams
M. Moran Weston/Black Alumni Council Professor of African American Studies, and Professor of Philosophy and of African American and African Diaspora Studies
Wilbur Cross Medal, Yale University
Leonard Hastings Schoff Memorial Lectures, Columbia
James A. Moffett ‘29 Lecture in Ethics, Princeton University

Alex Honneth
Jack B. Weinstein Professor of the Humanities
Honorary Doctorate, University of Belgrad
Annual Hegel-Lecture, University of Bochum

Alex Honneth
Jack B. Weinstein Professor of the Humanities
Honorary Doctorate, University of Belgrad
Annual Hegel-Lecture, University of Bochum

Alex Honneth
Jack B. Weinstein Professor of the Humanities
Honorary Doctorate, University of Belgrad
Annual Hegel-Lecture, University of Bochum

Michele Moody-Adams
Joseph Straus Professor of Political Philosophy and Legal Theory
2023 Dewey Lecture, University of Chicago Law School
Distinguished Lecture in Ethics, Ohio State University Center for Ethics and Human Values
Anbar Lecture, Syracuse University

Michele Moody-Adams
Joseph Straus Professor of Political Philosophy and Legal Theory
2023 Dewey Lecture, University of Chicago Law School
Distinguished Lecture in Ethics, Ohio State University Center for Ethics and Human Values
Anbar Lecture, Syracuse University

Michele Moody-Adams
Joseph Straus Professor of Political Philosophy and Legal Theory
2023 Dewey Lecture, University of Chicago Law School
Distinguished Lecture in Ethics, Ohio State University Center for Ethics and Human Values
Anbar Lecture, Syracuse University

Christopher Peacocke
Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy
2024 Jean Nicod Prize
Guggenheim Fellowship

Christopher Peacocke
Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy
2024 Jean Nicod Prize
Guggenheim Fellowship

Christopher Peacocke
Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy
2024 Jean Nicod Prize
Guggenheim Fellowship

Francey Russell
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Heyman Center Fellow

Francey Russell
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Heyman Center Fellow

Francey Russell
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Heyman Center Fellow

Achille Varzi
John Dewey Professor of Philosophy
Mark Van Doren Teaching Award

Achille Varzi
John Dewey Professor of Philosophy
Mark Van Doren Teaching Award

Achille Varzi
John Dewey Professor of Philosophy
Mark Van Doren Teaching Award
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at