Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Faculty Distinction 2021/22

Muhsin Al-Musawi
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
King Faisal International Prize

Muhsin Al-Musawi
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
King Faisal International Prize

Muhsin Al-Musawi
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
King Faisal International Prize

Taoufik Ben-Amor
Gordon Gray Jr. Senior Lecturer in Arabic Studies in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Mellon Research Grant
MEI Title VI Research Fund

Taoufik Ben-Amor
Gordon Gray Jr. Senior Lecturer in Arabic Studies in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Mellon Research Grant
MEI Title VI Research Fund

Taoufik Ben-Amor
Gordon Gray Jr. Senior Lecturer in Arabic Studies in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Mellon Research Grant
MEI Title VI Research Fund

Laura Fair
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Carroll Endowed Professor, University of Oregon

Laura Fair
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Carroll Endowed Professor, University of Oregon

Laura Fair
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Carroll Endowed Professor, University of Oregon

Wael Hallaq
Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities
TUBA Life Honorary Member

Wael Hallaq
Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities
TUBA Life Honorary Member

Wael Hallaq
Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities
TUBA Life Honorary Member

Joseph Massad
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award

Joseph Massad
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award

Joseph Massad
Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Provost’s Faculty Mentoring Award

Timothy Mitchell
William B. Ransford Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies and Professor of International and Public Affairs
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

Timothy Mitchell
William B. Ransford Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies and Professor of International and Public Affairs
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

Timothy Mitchell
William B. Ransford Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies and Professor of International and Public Affairs
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ

Debashree Mukherjee
Associate Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lenfest Junior Faculty Development Grant

Debashree Mukherjee
Associate Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lenfest Junior Faculty Development Grant

Debashree Mukherjee
Associate Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lenfest Junior Faculty Development Grant

Elleni Zeleke
Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lavine Family Faculty Development Fund

Elleni Zeleke
Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lavine Family Faculty Development Fund

Elleni Zeleke
Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
Lavine Family Faculty Development Fund
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at Sy3109@columbia.edu