Faculty Distinction 2020/21
Celebrating the awards, honors, and recognition of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
As university life slowly returns to normal after the pandemic, we are reminded to remember the achievements and successes from this extraordinary time. The Executive Committee would like to acknowledge the honors and awards that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences received for their contributions to the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences when were not able to assemble and celebrate them in person.
Together we worked through exceptional circumstances to keep Columbia a thriving intellectual hub despite extended periods of social distancing and remote learning. Our faculty once again affirmed the extraordinary research and learning environment that is Columbia University in the City of New York. This is a notable achievement during the best of times, and one that speaks to the remarkable dedication to pedagogy during this challenging stretch of time.

Carlos J. Alonso
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Vice President for Graduate Education
Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor in the Humanities
Amy E. Hungerford
Executive Vice President for Arts & Sciences
Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Ruth Fulton Benedict Professor of English and Comparative Literature
James J. Valentini
Dean of Columbia College
Vice President for Undergraduate Education
Henry L. and Lucy G. Moses Professor
Faculty Distinction 2020/21
Celebrating the awards, honors, and recognition of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Faculty Distinction 2020/21
As university life slowly returns to normal after the pandemic, we are reminded to remember the achievements and successes from this extraordinary time. The Executive Committee would like to acknowledge the honors and awards that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences received for their contributions to the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences when were not able to assemble and celebrate them in person.
Together we worked through exceptional circumstances to keep Columbia a thriving intellectual hub despite extended periods of social distancing and remote learning. Our faculty once again affirmed the extraordinary research and learning environment that is Columbia University in the City of New York. This is a notable achievement during the best of times, and one that speaks to the remarkable dedication to pedagogy during this challenging stretch of time.

Carlos J. Alonso
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Vice President for Graduate Education
Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor in the Humanities
Amy E. Hungerford
Executive Vice President for Arts & Sciences
Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Ruth Fulton Benedict Professor of English and Comparative Literature
James J. Valentini
Dean of Columbia College
Vice President for Undergraduate Education
Henry L. and Lucy G. Moses Professor
Faculty Distinction 2020/21
Celebrating the awards, honors, and recognition of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Faculty Distinction 2020/21
As university life slowly returns to normal after the pandemic, we are reminded to remember the achievements and successes from this extraordinary time. The Executive Committee would like to acknowledge the honors and awards that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences received for their contributions to the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences when were not able to assemble and celebrate them in person.
Together we worked through exceptional circumstances to keep Columbia a thriving intellectual hub despite extended periods of social distancing and remote learning. Our faculty once again affirmed the extraordinary research and learning environment that is Columbia University in the City of New York. This is a notable achievement during the best of times, and one that speaks to the remarkable dedication to pedagogy during this challenging stretch of time.

Carlos J. Alonso
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Vice President for Graduate Education
Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor in the Humanities

Amy E. Hungerford
Executive Vice President for Arts & Sciences
Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Ruth Fulton Benedict Professor of English and Comparative Literature

James J. Valentini
Dean of Columbia College
Vice President for Undergraduate Education
Henry L. and Lucy G. Moses Professor