East Asian Languages and Cultures
Faculty Distinction 2022/23

Nick Bartlett
Assistant Professor of Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society
2023-24 Heyman Center Fellow

Nick Bartlett
Assistant Professor of Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society
2023-24 Heyman Center Fellow

Nick Bartlett
Assistant Professor of Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society
2023-24 Heyman Center Fellow

Kaidi Chen
Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Jiede Empirical Research Grant for Chinese pedagogy/Chinese applied linguistics, The Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)

Kaidi Chen
Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Jiede Empirical Research Grant for Chinese pedagogy/Chinese applied linguistics, The Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)

Kaidi Chen
Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Jiede Empirical Research Grant for Chinese pedagogy/Chinese applied linguistics, The Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)

Theodore Hughes
The Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Studies in the Humanities
Shinhan Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Yonsei University
Shinhan Lecture, Yonsei University

Theodore Hughes
The Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Studies in the Humanities
Shinhan Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Yonsei University
Shinhan Lecture, Yonsei University

Theodore Hughes
The Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Studies in the Humanities
Shinhan Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Yonsei University
Shinhan Lecture, Yonsei University

Jungwon Kim
King Sejong Associate Professor of Korean Studies

Jungwon Kim
King Sejong Associate Professor of Korean Studies

Jungwon Kim
King Sejong Associate Professor of Korean Studies

Paul Kreitman
Assistant Professor of Japanese History, History-East Asia Coordinator
Heyman Center Fellow

Paul Kreitman
Assistant Professor of Japanese History, History-East Asia Coordinator
Heyman Center Fellow

Paul Kreitman
Assistant Professor of Japanese History, History-East Asia Coordinator
Heyman Center Fellow

Yike Li
Lecturer in Chinese
Language Resource Center Instructional Innovation Grant
Faculty Research Fellowship

Yike Li
Lecturer in Chinese
Language Resource Center Instructional Innovation Grant
Faculty Research Fellowship

Yike Li
Lecturer in Chinese
Language Resource Center Instructional Innovation Grant
Faculty Research Fellowship

David Lurie
Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Mark Van Doren Award for Teaching

David Lurie
Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Mark Van Doren Award for Teaching

David Lurie
Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Mark Van Doren Award for Teaching

Zhong Qi Shi
Senior Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Elected Vice President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)
Provost Innovative Course Design Award

Zhong Qi Shi
Senior Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Elected Vice President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)
Provost Innovative Course Design Award

Zhong Qi Shi
Senior Lecturer in Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Elected Vice President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)
Provost Innovative Course Design Award

Haruo Shirane
Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature
Elected Honorary Member of the Japan Academy

Haruo Shirane
Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature
Elected Honorary Member of the Japan Academy

Haruo Shirane
Shincho Professor of Japanese Literature
Elected Honorary Member of the Japan Academy

Sonam Tsering
Senior Lecturer in Tibetan
Language Support Grant from National Resource Centers

Sonam Tsering
Senior Lecturer in Tibetan
Language Support Grant from National Resource Centers

Sonam Tsering
Senior Lecturer in Tibetan
Language Support Grant from National Resource Centers

Takuya Tsunoda
Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Japanese Research Fellowship, Hakuhodo Foundation
Visiting Scholar, Waseda University – Tokyo, Japan

Takuya Tsunoda
Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Japanese Research Fellowship, Hakuhodo Foundation
Visiting Scholar, Waseda University – Tokyo, Japan

Takuya Tsunoda
Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Japanese Research Fellowship, Hakuhodo Foundation
Visiting Scholar, Waseda University – Tokyo, Japan
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at Sy3109@columbia.edu