Faculty Distinction 2022/23

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching

Mariam Aly
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
The Flux Congress Linda Spear Award

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
The Flux Congress Linda Spear Award

Nim Delafield
Professor of Psychology
Daniel Stern Prize, Weill Cornell Medical College
The Flux Congress Linda Spear Award

Jon Freeman
Associate Professor of Psychology
2023 FABBS Early Career Impact Award
2022 SANS Early Career Award

Jon Freeman
Associate Professor of Psychology
2023 FABBS Early Career Impact Award
2022 SANS Early Career Award

Jon Freeman
Associate Professor of Psychology
2023 FABBS Early Career Impact Award
2022 SANS Early Career Award

Ana Garcia
Assistant Professor of Physics
Early Career Scientist Prize in AMO Physics, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Ana Garcia
Assistant Professor of Physics
Early Career Scientist Prize in AMO Physics, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

Ana Garcia
Assistant Professor of Physics
Early Career Scientist Prize in AMO Physics, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

James Hill
Assistant Professor of Physics
Sloan Research Fellowship
Buchalter Cosmology Prize

James Hill
Assistant Professor of Physics
Sloan Research Fellowship
Buchalter Cosmology Prize

James Hill
Assistant Professor of Physics
Sloan Research Fellowship
Buchalter Cosmology Prize

Yury Levin
Professor of Physics
Simons Investigator Award

Yury Levin
Professor of Physics
Simons Investigator Award

Yury Levin
Professor of Physics
Simons Investigator Award

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research in Psychology and Neuroscience and in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Hypothesis Fund Award
Bruce McEwen Memorial Early Career Investigator Award

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research in Psychology and Neuroscience and in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Hypothesis Fund Award
Bruce McEwen Memorial Early Career Investigator Award

Bianca Marlin
Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cell Research in Psychology and Neuroscience and in the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Hypothesis Fund Award
Bruce McEwen Memorial Early Career Investigator Award

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Inaugural Landau-Chaabra Lecturer, University of Georgia

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Inaugural Landau-Chaabra Lecturer, University of Georgia

Andrew Millis
Professor of Physics
Inaugural Landau-Chaabra Lecturer, University of Georgia

Kerstin Perez
Lavine Family Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences
APS Early Career Instrumentation Award – Division of Particles and Fields
APS DPF Prize lecture, Snowmass Community Summer Study

Kerstin Perez
Lavine Family Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences
APS Early Career Instrumentation Award – Division of Particles and Fields
APS DPF Prize lecture, Snowmass Community Summer Study

Kerstin Perez
Lavine Family Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences
APS Early Career Instrumentation Award – Division of Particles and Fields
APS DPF Prize lecture, Snowmass Community Summer Study

Sebastian Will
Assistant Professor of Physics
Visiting Fellowship, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris

Sebastian Will
Assistant Professor of Physics
Visiting Fellowship, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris

Sebastian Will
Assistant Professor of Physics
Visiting Fellowship, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris

Sarah Woolley
Professor of Psychology
Elected to Society for Neuroscience Executive Council

Sarah Woolley
Professor of Psychology
Elected to Society for Neuroscience Executive Council

Sarah Woolley
Professor of Psychology
Elected to Society for Neuroscience Executive Council
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at