Faculty Distinction 2023/24

Gil Eyal
Professor of Sociology
Star-Nelkin Award for best paper from the Science, Knowledge and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association, 2023
Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University. May-July 2024

Gil Eyal
Professor of Sociology
Star-Nelkin Award for best paper from the Science, Knowledge and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association, 2023
Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University. May-July 2024

Gil Eyal
Professor of Sociology
Star-Nelkin Award for best paper from the Science, Knowledge and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association, 2023
Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University. May-July 2024

Jennifer Lee
Julian Clarence Levi Professor of Social Sciences & the Founding Director of the Asian American Initiative
Distinguished Career Award, American Sociological Association, International Migration Section
Distinguished Fellow, The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Jennifer Lee
Julian Clarence Levi Professor of Social Sciences & the Founding Director of the Asian American Initiative
Distinguished Career Award, American Sociological Association, International Migration Section
Distinguished Fellow, The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Jennifer Lee
Julian Clarence Levi Professor of Social Sciences & the Founding Director of the Asian American Initiative
Distinguished Career Award, American Sociological Association, International Migration Section
Distinguished Fellow, The Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University
Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award

Mario Small
Chair and Quetelet Professor of Social Science
Outstanding Publication Award, American Sociological Association (ASA), Methodology Section
Inaugural Rex J. L. Heymann Lecture, University of Pennsylvania

Mario Small
Chair and Quetelet Professor of Social Science
Outstanding Publication Award, American Sociological Association (ASA), Methodology Section
Inaugural Rex J. L. Heymann Lecture, University of Pennsylvania

Mario Small
Chair and Quetelet Professor of Social Science
Outstanding Publication Award, American Sociological Association (ASA), Methodology Section
Inaugural Rex J. L. Heymann Lecture, University of Pennsylvania

David Stark
Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and Director, Center on Organizational Innovation
Niklas Luhmann Distinguished Guest Professor of Social Theory, Bielefeld University

David Stark
Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and Director, Center on Organizational Innovation
Niklas Luhmann Distinguished Guest Professor of Social Theory, Bielefeld University

David Stark
Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and Director, Center on Organizational Innovation
Niklas Luhmann Distinguished Guest Professor of Social Theory, Bielefeld University

Marissa Thompson
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Russell Sage Foundation Pipeline Grant

Marissa Thompson
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Russell Sage Foundation Pipeline Grant

Marissa Thompson
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Russell Sage Foundation Pipeline Grant

Bruce Western
Bryce Professor of Sociology and Social Justice; Director, Justice Lab
Elected member, American Philosophical Society

Bruce Western
Bryce Professor of Sociology and Social Justice; Director, Justice Lab
Elected member, American Philosophical Society

Bruce Western
Bryce Professor of Sociology and Social Justice; Director, Justice Lab
Elected member, American Philosophical Society
The Faculty Distinction awards are compiled annually by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Arts and Sciences in coordination with the Arts and Sciences Departments. The information displayed is archival in nature and reflects distinctions of the previous academic year - 2020 is a collection of awards an honors from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Any questions or concerns regarding the site can be directed to Susan Young, at